Redundancy may come as a shock for many working immigrants in Australia who have been declared redundant due to some uncharacteristic reasons. Redundancy laws are complex and legal advice is a must in such a circumstance to secure and exercise one’s redundancy entitlements, pay, and rights. Redundancy entitlements lawyers can help you with this issue.
With our services, you get excellent legal advice to cope with redundancy issues imposed on you and claim your legal rights. Our years of expertise in this area render our position strong in dealing with redundancy entitlements Perth.
Contact us for best legal representation if you have been declared redundant by your company.
Redundancy Entitlements Perth
Many a times, an employer because of their lack of awareness or lack of commitment, they try to avoid their legal obligations towards the employees. Once an employee is declared redundant, he or she may feel uncertain and vulnerable. Prompt legal advice is necessary for such scenario to claim one’s statuary and contractual rights and entitlements.
We have a team of executive employment lawyers who assist such redundant employees in claiming their redundancy entitlements as well their share in profit, receive bonus entitled to them and other discretionary entitlements which the employee is worthy of receiving.
Apart from that our redundancy entitlements lawyers can help you challenge your employer’s judgment on declaring you redundant and help you exercise your right to refuse a redeployment position that has been offered to you.
Redeployment: Instead of a redundancy payment, an employer may offer its employee an alternate employment position. The factors of which may vary from salary to seniority and to benefits, responsibilities etc. Our experts can help you negotiate the terms of redeployment offered in place of redundant payment.
A redundancy payment is extended in order to compensate for the job which has been rendered redundant. The payment is made to compensate for things like long service leave, inconvenience caused, lost personal leave, etc.
In addition to a redundancy payment, an employee is also liable to receive any payment in lieu of notice, for any accumulated annual leave, for accrued sick leaves and so on.
Why Choose Our Services?
Our firm’s competency lies in our skilled and knowledgeable agents and their efficient work ethics. We provide initial consultation to our clients and support them at every stage of the process.
If you have been declared redundant, then reach out to us anytime for the help of redundancy entitlements lawyers. Our highly skilful employment lawyers can help you exercise your legal rights and claim your entitlements effortlessly.
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