Critical Legal Protection of Australian Whistleblowers

January 6, 2025    Employment Lawyers
Critical Legal Protection of Australian Whistleblowers

In recent years, many Australian informers have lost their jobs, been sued, and even been prosecuted for crimes for revealing company wrongdoings. Public opinion, however, is very much in favour of increasing whistleblower protection and claims, according to a recent poll. Therefore, stricter laws are necessary to protect them. But how can it be done, and what are the prerequisites?


To get an overview of the laws present in the country and how to get protection in your workplace, join us in this post.


Corporations Act 2001


It grants essential protections to those disclosing information connected to suspected wrongdoing within a corporation. As one of the prominent whistleblower protection laws, it encourages the concern voiced over any wrongdoing committed and keeps an organisation responsible and accountable through its transparency.


Among such protections of the Corporations Act, a few prominent features include:

  • The broad scope of protection: A wide area of misconduct – fraud, corruption, a breach of financial regulations- and many other profound practices that will harm the public’s interest is taken care of in the act.
  • Protection against retaliation: Actions such as dismissal, promotion, and other retaliative actions are prohibited if the whistleblower discloses in good faith. If you are facing relevant problems, you can seek assistance from whistleblower protection lawyers.
  • Confidentiality: The act allows informers to blow the whistle anonymously so no harm to their real identity occurs.
  • Investigation and response: The act requires organisations to have appropriate procedures to investigate disclosures and respond accordingly.


Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013


This regulation protects public sector employees who disclose misdeeds in the public interest. This act empowers public servants to report cases of corruption, maladministration, and other significant misconduct within the relevant sector. To know the intricacies of the laws, get employment lawyers in Perth to guide you.


The current PID Act does not contribute much to protecting the whistleblower. Two recent reports, “Protecting Australia’s Whistleblowers: The Federal Roadmap” and “The Cost of Courage: Fixing Australia’s Whistleblower Protections,” have made an urgent call for the change of PID Act to increase the protection of whistleblowers.


Some of the significant defences provided by the PID Act include:

A wide range of protection for whistleblowers at the workplace includes malpractice under corruption and waste of public resources.

  • Protection against retaliatory measures: This act safeguards the informers from retaliatory action. It includes actions such as dismissal, demotion, or any other adverse action against them relating to the disclosure if made in good faith.
  • Independent investigation: The act ensures the execution of independent investigations regarding disclosures to be fair and equitable.
  • Injury compensation: A claimant who suffers an injury resulting from blowing the whistle may be compensated.


What Is a Protected Disclosure?


A disclosure is protected in general if it meets these conditions under the Australian Whistleblower Employment Law Perth:

Good Faith:

  • The disclosure has to be made with honest intent and without ill will.
  • The whistleblower believes the information shared must be brought before people for action.

Reasonable Belief:

  • The whistleblower must reasonably believe that what has been disclosed is truthful and correct. Providing misleading information can backfire on the informer.
  • This means the informer should have evidence or credible sources based on his belief.

Public Interest:

  • The revelation made should be in the public interest.
  • This is to say that the disclosure points to or reveals wrongdoing, prevents harm, or can bring about good.
  • This test can sometimes be gauged using considerations of seriousness, such as the potential harm caused to the public and the public’s right to know. Be sure to contact the best employment lawyers in Perth if you ever come across such situations.

Whistleblowers are vital in organisations for transparency, accountability, and ethical practices. But even though Australia has put adequate protection for whistleblowers in the Corporations Act 2001 and the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013, much needs to be developed on the present legal frameworks.


Wrapping up


Policymakers and employment lawyers must collaborate to formulate comprehensive reforms to ensure whistleblowers get strong protection. This would result in confident informers coming out without any fear of reprisals. In this way, Australia can consolidate its position at the top in its drive to promote ethical governance and public interest.

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